


Connective Tissue Graft

Guided Tissue Regeneration



Lip Repositioning

Free Gingival Graft

Soft Tissue Allograft

Peri-implantitis Therapy

Sinus Lift

Connective Tissue Graft

Young 17 year old girl came in concerned with receding gums on the lower anterior area. After an evaluation, it was determined that a connective tissue graft would be the best option for the patient. Root coverage was achieved along with a thick band of tissue to prevent more recession from occurring.

This 47-year-old male presented with recession of his upper teeth. His concerns were his appearance and sensitivity to certain foods & beverages. Tissue grafts were placed to cover expose roots and after the procedure, his esthetics and sensitivity has improved.

This 24-year-old male was concerned with the upper right recession on his teeth. A connective tissue graft was done to thicken tissue as well as cover the exposed root.

This 57-year-old female came to our office with major complaints of sensitivity on the lower right area. After recession was evaluated, it was decided to place a tissue graft using her own tissue. Root coverage was obtained and sensitivity to food and beverages was eliminated.

This 34-year-old female came to our office with minimal recession but very thin tissue to support. In an effort to eliminate any further recession and to cover up exposed roots connective tissue grafts were placed on the lower right and lower left teeth. Tissue thickness and root coverage was obtained and will help patient maintain gum levels for the future.

Guided Tissue Regeneration

This 72-year-old male presented with bone loss on a lower right tooth that is part of a bridge. In order to save the tooth and bridge, guided tissue regeneration was done by effectively cleaning the roots with surgical and antibiotic therapy along with bone regeneration. After several months of healing, the pocket depths have significantly improved and the patient was able to retain his bridge.

This 51-year-old female presented with bone loss in the furcation (between the roots) of a lower left tooth. The gums were reflected to access infected tissue and tooth roots were thoroughly cleaned. Bone grafting was performed and after sufficient healing, her probing depths were significantly improved.

This 54-year-old female came to our office with isolated areas of bone-loss and periodontal disease. She was interested in a straighter smile however gum health would need to be improved prior to placement of orthodontics. Deep cleanings were done and osseous surgery with bone placement and guided tissue regeneration was done on an upper left area. Bone growth was achieved and overall health improved for any future orthodontic treatment.


This 12-year-old female presented with a large red mass on the gums that appeared 2 months prior to treatment. A biopsy was recommended due to the size and rapid growth of the mass. Local anesthetic was used and tissue was sent to a pathologist to determine an accurate diagnosis. Thankfully, the growth showed no malignancy and final healing was obtained with great aesthetics.


This 52-year-old female patient presented in our office with trauma on her upper front teeth. A fracture was noted on one of the teeth by her endodontist making this tooth unable to be saved. Keeping appearance in mind, it was decided to extract the tooth and immediately place an implant with temporary crown. Patient was extremely satisfied and now has a beautiful smile since completing treatment.

Lip Repositioning

This 43-year-old female came to our office with concerns about the amount of gum tissue displayed when she smiled. A lip repositioning procedure was done to lower her lip line and eliminate the gummy smile that she was self-conscious about.

This 29-year-old male presented with concerns about his gummy smile and thought that his teeth appeared shorter than normal. A lip repositioning paired with gingivectomy to lengthen his crowns was preformed to make teeth appear larger as well as bringing the lip down to eliminate the excess tissue when smiling.

This 31-year-old female came to our office because her confidence when smiling was not where she wanted it to be. She presented with excessive gingival display when smiling, also known as a gummy smile. She underwent lip repositioning to bring the lip down and eliminate the large amount of tissue that was shown when smiling.

Free Gingival Graft

Gum Graphting Before and After

This 63-year-old female was referred to our office due to recession on a lower front tooth. Although she had slight sensitivity, her main concern was making sure the recession did not get any worse. A free gingival graft was placed to create a thick layer of barrier tissue. She had a great result and the recession should no longer continue.

Gum Graphting Before and After

This 55-year-old female came to our office after being referred by her general dentist due to thin tissue along the lower front teeth. No sensitivity was noted by the patient however the recession had increased over several years and patient did not want it to continue. A free gingival graft was completed and gum tissue was thickened in addition to slight root coverage.

Soft Tissue Allograft

Gum Graphting Before and After

This 52-year-old female presented with generalized recession causing her a great deal of sensitivity when eating and drinking. Because of the extent of her recession, donor tissue graft was used for her treatment. Significant root coverage was achieved and her sensitivity also improved as well!

Peri-implantitis Therapy

Gum Graphting Before and After

This 65-year-old male was referred by his general dentist to address an infection and bone loss surrounding an implant that had been in place for several years. His gum tissue was gently reflected, and a thorough cleaning was performed to remove the infected tissue. The area with bone loss was filled with bone graft material and covered with a membrane to promote regeneration, reduce bone loss, and eliminate infection and pocketing.

Sinus Lift

Gum Graphting Before and After

This 65-year-old male presented with an upper back tooth to be removed. Due to low sinus tract, a sinus lift was suggested & necessary for future implant placement. An open sinus lift was preformed to add foundation and later an implant was placed.