Scaling & Root Planing

Why Treat Gum Disease?

If gum disease is left untreated, patients will often experience discomfort when brushing/flossing, foul taste, bad breath and loose teeth. However, if the disease is diagnosed and treated early, patients can often preserve their smiles with the appropriate treatment and continued maintenance visits.

What Is Scaling and Root Planing (Deep Cleaning)?

Scaling and root planing is a nonsurgical treatment used to remove bacteria, plaque and tartar around teeth. This helps to halt the progression of gum disease. Anesthetic will be provided to ensure that you are comfortable during your treatment. The scaling and root planing treatment may be split up into several appointments, in which we treat one to two sections of the mouth at each appointment.

Diagram of scaling tool cleaning teeth

This deep cleaning treatment includes two main steps:

  • Scaling: In scaling, we remove plaque and tartar (dental calculus) from the tooth surface.
  • Root Planing: This step involves cleaning the roots of the teeth, smoothing them to remove bacterial toxins.

The goals of scaling and root planing are to remove bacteria, plaque and tartar, and to halt the progress of the disease. Anesthetic will be provided to ensure that you are comfortable during your treatment. The scaling and root planing treatment may be split up into several appointments, in which we treat one section of the mouth at each appointment.

Scaling and root planing may be combined with other types of periodontal therapy, such as antibiotic treatment. For most patients, scaling and root planing is enough to prevent periodontal disease from progressing further. It is important that you continue to brush and floss consistently and attend regular maintenance cleanings to ensure that your gum disease is controlled.

For more information about the benefits of scaling and root planing in Greensboro, North Carolina and to learn more about the other types of periodontal treatment we offer, please do not hesitate to contact Greensboro Perio at 336-379-8377 and schedule an appointment with our periodontists, Dr. Luis Benitez or Dr. Veronica Longville.